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rage是什么意思 rage2

2023-08-10 来源:互联网 【 字体:

rage是什么意思 rage2 导读 大家好,知识小编来为大家讲解下。rage是什么意思,rage的用法很多人还不知道,现在让我们一起来看看吧!一、rage是什么意思1、rage 发狂



1、rage 发狂,暴怒

2、来自古法语 rage,生气的,狂怒的,来自拉丁语 rabere,发狂,发怒,来自 PIE*rebh,暴力的, 冲动的,可能来自 PIE*reb,撕开,抢,词源同 rob,rip.字母 b,g 音变,比较 ruby,red,rouge.



2、rage: [13] Rage is a close relative of rabies. It comes via Old French rage from Vulgar Latin *rabia, an alteration of Latin rabiēs ‘madness, frenzy, fury’ (from which English gets rabies). (French rage still means ‘rabies’ as well as ‘anger’.)=> rabies

3、rage (n.)

4、c. 1300,"madness, insanity; fit of frenzy; anger, wrath; fierceness in battle; violence of storm, fire, etc.,"from Old French rage, raige"spirit, passion, rage, fury, madness"(11c.), from Medieval Latin rabia, from Latin rabies"madness, rage, fury,"related to rabere"be mad, rave"(compare rabies, which originally had this sense), from PIE *rebh-"violent, impetuous"(cognates: Old English rabbian"to rage"). Similarly, Welsh (cynddaredd) and Breton (kounnar) words for"rage, fury"originally meant"hydrophobia"and are compounds based on the word for"dog"(Welsh ci, plural cwn; Breton ki). In 15c.-16c. it also could mean"rabies."The rage"fashion, vogue"dates from 1785.

5、rage (v.)

6、mid-13c.,"to play, romp,"from rage (n.). Meanings"be furious; speak passionately; go mad"first recorded c. 1300. Of things from 1530s. Related: Raged; raging.
